Roblox Notoriety Hack Script Pastebin

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For those who are looking for Roblox Notoriety Hack Script, easily you are able to find the script by going to the official website of Pastebin. There you will be find the script you want like this Roblox Notoriety Hack Script. Until now, Pastebin is still be the best and trust website in providing the scripts.

To look for Roblox Notoriety Hack Script on Pastebin, you do not need the time too long. Just go to the official website of Pastebin. Then, move your cursor to the top center of the page where the search bar located. After that, simply yo are able to type the script you want to look for. Now, you want to look for the Roblox Notoriety Hack Script, so just type ” Roblox Notoriety Hack Script” on the Search bar. Next, you are able to press the Enter button.
After that, on your screen you will be able to get some results related Roblox Notoriety Hack Script. Now, you just need to find the right one, Roblox Notoriety Hack Script. After you find the Roblox Notoriety Hack Script, then you may want to copy the script and paste it on your Roblox account. If you have got this Roblox Notoriety Hack Script, of course you are able to use this script on the game. We suggest you to use this sccript wisely.

Here, in the text below, we have part of the Roblox Notoriety Hack script:


local Player = game.Players.LocalPlayer

local PlayerName = Player.Name

local Police = workspace:WaitForChild(“Police”)

local Criminals = workspace:WaitForChild(“Criminals”)

local Data = Player.TeleportStats



for i, v in pairs(game.Workspace:GetChildren()) do

if v:FindFirstChild(“Cameras”) then







— Shadow Raid Samurai Vault —

for i, v in pairs(workspace:GetChildren()) do

if v.Name == “Shadow Raid” then

if v:FindFirstChild(“Vault”) then






— Easy Overdrill —

 if workspace:FindFirstChild(“World Bank”) then

local b = workspace:FindFirstChild(“World Bank”)





For your information, part of the Roblox Notoriety Hack script above was published by a guest on September 2nd, 2017 on Pastebin. But, you have to note that if you want to use this Roblox Notoriety Hack script, so you have to be in the map before you execute it. In other case, if you are not in the map once you use this Roblox Notoriety Hack script, so the script will not work. If you want to see full of scripts, so you are able to go to the site of Pastebin now. Or simply, you are able to visit this link;

Roblox Notoriety game is an FPS Roblox game that was created by Brick_man on January, 29th, 2010. When we write this article, the game was updated on May 16th, 2019. This game can be played by maximum 101 players per server. Currently, the game has been visited more than 98.8 million times. Then, the game also has more than 650K favorites and more than 188K likes. We think that the game is one of successful games in Roblox platform.

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