How to Raise Writing Skill Roblox Bloxburg

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In Bloxburg, there are some skills that you are able to have. One of them is Writing. Have you got it? If you have not got it, you may want to know how to raise this writing skill in Bloxburg. So, do not miss any information from this article.

In Bloxburg game, writing is one of the skills. The total skills in the Bloxburg game is 10 skills. This skill requires you to have a computer so that you are able to earn the skill. If you have a high quality computer, it will speed up the amount of time it takes to level up, while a lower quality of computer will take longer. This skill now does not give you any benefits same as other skills in Bloxburg except gardening, music and cooking. Writing skill is just something that you are able to do if you are bored or you aim to reach a high level in all skills.

Some equipments for writing in Bloxburg are:

  • Pearingtosh — $900
  • E3 Home Computer — $2,400
  • iSlim Computer — $5,000
  • iSlim Laptop — $4,000
  • EPX – Ultra Computer — B$400
  • EPX Computer — B$300

So, it seems that to raise your writing skills, you just have to write by using computer so that the level of your skill will be raised. When you type on the computer, the sample text will be typed and the sample is: “Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet…”. This is a popular filler text usually used to demonstrate the textual elements of a document.

For your information, you are only able to write books as of v0.7.9. While you are writing, your fun is able to go down quickly so when you are writing, you have to get a book from a nearby bookshelf and then read it. So, you will gain the fun and will progress in 2 skills. When you finish a page on the computer that you use, your character will delete everything. It is important for you to know that the skill uses a knock-off of Microsoft Word. But, because of the copyright reasons, it is not exactly Microsoft Word and the image is likely poor quality due to the copyright reasons.

In Bloxburg game, skills are stats which are important and they can be increased by performing specific tasks. The other skills in Bloxburg game besides Writing are:

  • Cooking
  • Crafting
  • Gaming
  • Athletic
  • Gardening
  • Intelligence
  • Music
  • Painting
  • Programming

From these skills, there are only three fully implemented skills with benefits and those are Music, Cooking and Gardening.

So, if you want to get these skills, you are able to do the tasks that are required. For example,  if you want to get the Cooking skill, you have to follow the variety of steps where you are able to garnish, cook, bake, fry, deep fry, mix, grill, cut, boil, form, roll and stir. If you want to get Writing skill, you are able to write/ type by using computer. So, good luck for your skill!

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