Robux is something that is needed by all Roblox users. It is because Robux is something important in this online gaming platform. If you have a lot of Robux, you are able to buy anything there. You are able to customize your Roblox avatar as you want by buying any items in the Roblox catalog.
So, a lot of Roblox users try to find methods to earn Robux instantly in a high amount. Is it possible? From our research, there are some videos about how to earn 100.000.000 Robux, 750.000 Robux and other amounts or even unlimited Robux. But, from these videos, they try to earn it by using Inspect Element where it is not safe. Even for some people, using Inspect Element does not work so they said that it is fake.
Some others try to get 100.000.000 Robux by visiting websites which offer you free Robux. If you try to visit these kinds of websites, you will have to enter your username, your device that is used to play Roblox and then enter the amount of Robux that you want. This thing is called Robux Generator. After you entering all of these things, then you will be verified whether you are a robot or not and then your Roblox account will also be verified. Roblox in its website, exactly in the Help page, states that there is Robux Generator. Robux Generator is a scam. If Robux Generator that you use ask you for entering your personal information, never give them. It is a scam and giving your personal information can be dangerous for your safety.
You may also often find websites which offer free Robux after you did some surveys, watched videos or downloaded certain apps. When you find this kind of sites, you also need to be careful because some of them are also scam. If you want to try, it is better for you to try it using your fake account to test whether the sites are scam or not.
So, is there any ways to get 100.000.000 Robux? There is no ways to get this large amount of Robux. Even there is no cheat codes for getting 100.000.000 Robux. To make sure it, you are able to ask about it to other Roblox players who understand about it and who have played Roblox for a long time. If there is a cheat codes, glitch or hack of getting millions Robux, maybe a lot of Roblox players are rich. But of course, if there are cheats/ glitch/ exploit for Robux, the game will not fun anymore and Robux team will catch the doer. The doer maybe will be banned because they use hack/ exploit for getting so many Robux for free.
If you want to get a lot of Robux, be creative! You are able to sell as many as items that you create such as pants and shirts. You can also sell game passes. If you have an ability to build, even you can be hired as a builder by others and then you can be paid by using Robux.