Fuse Bomb is a gear that was published by Roblox on June 8, 2009 to the catalog of Roblox. It is able to be purchased for 30 Robux. Since July 21, 2019, this Fuse Bomb has been purchased 242,338 times and favorited 16K+ times. Based on the research, formerly it had a three day rental timer, then removed on June 25, 2019.
When you are at this page, you may hope to get the information about the Roblox ID for Fuse Bomb. Is it really? If you want to get information about the Fuse Bomb, so please read this article until end because now in this article we are going to share the Roblox ID for Fuse Bomb. Apparently, there are also some other Roblox players who looking for this information.
You have to know that Roblox ID for Fuse Bomb is 11563251. It is categorized to Adventure and Western genre. Then, it is as the Explosive gear attribut. Many Roblox players said that this Fuse Bomb is very similar to the timebomb from BrickBattle games. Now, you are able to use or custom your avatar using this Fuse Bomb. By the way, what is the function of Fuse Bomb? You are able to set this gear on the ground that will emit sparkles after dropping the gear. After a few seconds, this Fuse Bomb is going to explode, instantly KO any enemy nearby. We think that this is one of amazing gears in Roblox you can use.
By the way, do you interested to have this Fuse Bomb? If you want to have this one, so you are able to buy it. Now, try to go to Roblox. Then, go to the catalog of Roblox. After that, you are able to search and find this Fuse Bomb by typing in “Fuse Bomb” on the search bar. Next, it is going to show on your screen. After you find this Fuse Bomb, you should see a green button say “Buy”. The next step that you have to do to buy this Fuse Bomb is to click at the green Buy button. By clicking buy button, it means that you are going to start to buy this one. But, before you want to buy this Fuse Bomb, you have to ensure that you have enough Robux. As we said before that it is able to be purchased for 30 Robux.
Talking about the Fuse Bomb, in this article we want also to inform you another Explosive gear in Roblox platform. It named Egg Fuse Bomb. According to the research, this Egg Fuse Bomb is a gear that was published by Roblox on April 22, 2011 in the catalog of Roblox. This Egg Fuse Bomb is able to be purchased for 700 Robux. We get information that since February 13, 2017, it has been purchased 819 times and favorited 409 times. By the way, do you want to buy this Egg Fuse Bomb? If you interested to buy this one, so are able to buy it now because this gear is still available.