Wii Shop Earrape Roblox ID

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You may come here because you are looking for the Roblox ID of Wii Shop music but in the earrape version. If you like listening to earrape music, actually you are able to find that kind of music on Roblox Audio Library. But, for Wii Shop, is there any Wii Shop earrape music on Roblox? Let’s find out!

If you try to search Wii Shop music on Roblox Audio Library, you are able to find Wii Music Channel which was published by Xtreampro. It is free to use and the last update of the song was on November 5th, 2016. This song has been favorited 96 times and the Roblox ID of the song is 538397150.

How about the earrape version? When we try to search Wii Shop earrape or loud in the Robox Audio Library, the results are as in the list below.

  •  Wii Shop Channel Shop Music which was published by ejob. This music is free to use and it was last updated on April 6th, 2015. Until now, this music has been favorited 358 times and the Roblox ID is 235068128.
  •  Wii Shop Bling which was published by rosepetalscent. This music is free and it was last updated on October 29th, 2015. Until now, this music has been favorited 143 times and the Roblox ID is 315117654.
  •  Wii Shop Channel Remix which was published by Explode1. This music is free to use and the last update of the music was on May 25th, 2015. Until now, this music has been favorited 117 times and the Roblox ID is 252169264.

From the search that we have done above, there are no earrape version of Wii Shop music. If you really want to listen to the earrape version, you are able to find it on the other websites and then upload it to Roblox.

Or, you are also able to make it by yourself and then you can upload it to Roblox. You are able to get the Wii Shop music and then edit it by using music editor. After that, you are able to upload the music that you have edited to Roblox Audio Library. If you want to upload it, you need to note that you will have to pay for some Robux. How much Robux that we have to pay for uploading a music? It depends on the length of the music that you want to upload.

Here are the details of the cost to upload a music on Roblox.

  •  If the music is 0 to 10 seconds, you have to pay for 20 Robux.
  •  If the music is 10 to 30 seconds, you have to pay for 35 Robux.
  • If the music is 30 seconds to 2 minutes, you have to pay for 70 Robux.
  •  If the music is 2 to 7 minutes, you have to pay for 350 Robux.

From the list above, we are able to see that if you upload the longer music, you will have to pay more Robux. So, before you decide to upload, check your Robux to ensure that it is enough for uploading your music.

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