Super Bomb Survival All Powers

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Super Bomb Survival allows the players to select various skills or powers to help them survive. But, only one skill can be selected at any one time, and all skills or powers are able to be upgraded to level 3.

You may want to know all powers or skills of the game Roblox Super Bomb Survival. Apparently, you are at the right page because here in this page we are going to share about that. Here in the text below, you are able to see the explanation of Roblox Super Bomb Survival powers.

  • Super Jump. This is the starter skill. It is going to shoots you high into the air.
  • Super Run. This power to make you can run faster than normal for a short time.
  • Platform. It creates a circular purple platform below the player that all players can use.
  • Hover. It is able to keeps you fixed in the Y coordinate for a short time. A level 3 Hover makes you float upwards slightly.
  • Dive. This power only makes you flop around. It is able to be useful for escaping Nukes quickly, or taking a suicide leap into lava.
  • Forcefield. It makes you temporarily immune to all hazards including lava and Nukes.
  • Heal. It heals you by a certain number of health points.
  • Pickaxe. This power will allows you to mine away terrain blocks by walking into them. Sometimes, the gold coins are found inside these blocks once mined.
  • Bomb. Spawns a Standard Bomb that the player is immune to.
  • Footbomb. It spawns a white Football Bomb that you are immune to. At level EX, this is going to instead spawn a red Football Bomb.
  • Shock Mine. It spawns a Shock Mine that you are immune to.
  • Freeze Mine. It spawns a Freeze Mine that you are immune to.
  • Black Hole. It spawns a Black Hole Bomb that you are immune to.
  • Air Strike. It spawns an Air Strike that you are immune to.
  • Fake Coin. It spawns a Fake Coin that you are immune to.
  • Trip Pulse. Trips nearby players after a few seconds. It is similar to the Discombobulator’s effect, but operates only once.
  • Force Blast. This power will pushes loose parts and players away from you with a large force.
  • Self Destruct. It can damages both nearby players and yourself, but other players are damaged more. A level 3 Self Destruct is going also to destroy terrain.
  • Stun Pulse. It slows nearby players down after a few seconds. It is similar to the Stun Grenade’s effect.
  • Confusion. It will reverses the walkspeed of nearby players after a few seconds. It is similar to the Confusion Grenade’s effect.

Well, the text above is explanation of Roblox Super Bomb Survival powers. After you read all powers of Roblox Super Bomb Survival above, we are sure that you will more understand with game.

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