Slenderman Uncopylocked

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Slenderman uncopylocked uncopylocked the story of Slenderman where anyone can take a copy of it and do anything they please with it. Do you want to know more about the Slenderman? Go find out by reading this article below.

Apparently, there was a joke of 4chan known as The Nigger. His popularity made people on Roblox made spin off games such as Nignog’s Revenge or Nigger’s Forest. However, there was a game that stood out the most called Niglet Is BloodThirsty. This one was such a scary game and a man told you his experience on Roblox Creepypasta.

That man was playing Stop It Nigger and it did not seem that scary at all. So, he quit the game and looked for “nigger”. Then, the game called Nigger Is BloodyThirsty showed up. This one looked scary so he clicked on it and he got on the game. at the time, there were a lot of comments saying “Help me”. At first, he thought it was just a troll so he just started playing.

The man started in a forest, when he spawned he said to himself “Clichee”. After awhile, he walked around trying to find pages, but in fact, you should not find the pages. So, he clicked a button that said “help”, and he was supposed to follow the trail of blood stains. So he did. As he thought following the trail got boring, he found another path. Actually, he knew that he was not doing what he was supposed to do.

Anyway, he made it to the fence, and it has message on it saying “Help me”. He just walked away, like he saw nothing. After a bit longer of walking, he saw a Slenderman and he jumped. The nigger had the scary thing called blood all over the man, and he did not wear a suit and tie. The man just black with the head as the exception. Still, everything was so scary. The nigger had the really defined face, nevertheless still creepy.

Then, the story just jumps to static. You could not hear the static, only the cream of the bloodcurdling. Then, he man left the Roblox game. it was really scary. He looked in the comments and there was a comment wrote by him. The comment said “Help me”. However, it could not be possible as he thought that he never commented that.

A bit later, the man found out that it was shut down. Even though that moment was crazy, it saddened him. He started getting messages from the random Roblox people. Everyone said the same thing that they would help you please just come over to the darkness. Then, the man searched Slender Is BloodyThirsty on Google. The first thing he saw was the warning stated to never play Nigger Is BloodyThirsty on Roblox ever. The warning was written in the big bold letters. He was scared and did not know what was exactly happened and why would someone make such a game.

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