You may just heard that Breaking Point is one of best horror games and now you want to try to play it. But, you do not know how to play it and control the game. So, here we are going to give you some information how to control this game.
Breaking Point is a horror game in Roblox. This game is recommended for you who like playing horror games or like something horror. Breaking Point game was made by Paradox on February 8th, 2017 and On August 4th, 2019 was the last update of the game when this article was being created. Breaking Point game is able to be played by 16 maximum players. As of August 5th, 2019, this game has been visited more than 154.4 million times with more than 1.3 million favorites and more than 445K likes.
In this game, you are able to play it with other players since it is a multiplayer game. In the game, you and also other players will sit in a table trying to kill each other. The winner of the game is the last standing player. So, make sure that you can be the last player who survive there. In this game, several game modes are available such as Who Did It, Duck Duck Stab, Free For All, Juggernaut, Hot Potato, Russian Roulette, Everything, Musical Chairs, BP Pillars, Duel Vote, Breaking Point, Gunslinger, Kill Row, and A Turn For The Worst.
There are some tips that you need to know so that you are able to control the Breaking Point game. First is about Spawning. It is a very good thing to get kills in this game and to do that you have to simply look at the person beside you and spam the knife button really fast. If done right, they will die when they spawn. But, if you do this, the community will not like you. Then, it is about Chasing. If you are dealing with a player who is very bad at throwing his knife, a good play is to chase them. Chasing here means that instead of throwing your knife, you chase them and then attempt to knife them. Even though this is a good thing to do to new players, but you need to know that it will not work against an experienced player.
Now, it is about Throwing. It is important for you to know how to do this. On desktop, you are able to hold and then release right click to throw your knife at other players. But on mobile, you are able to do this by clicking on the screen and then release. Then, if you want to hide or camouflage, you have to use the advance options so that you are able to change your skin color to black and it makes you less visible. If you play the game by using mobile, you are able to do this by simply going to and then you have yo request desktop site, avatar, body, skin color, and then click on Advanced Colors. If you raise your brightness, it can help fight against these players.