Uncopylocked games may be a little bit difficult to find in Roblox. Usually, games are set in copylocked by the creator so that no one can get the file. However, some people try to use exploit to be able to get the file of the copylocked games.
How about Anoka County? In Roblox, if you try to search Anoka County games, at least you will find two results. The first one is DOJ 5: Reborn – Anoka County which was created by BCSO | Blaine County Sheriff’s Office. This game was created on February 23rd, 2018. This game is able to be played by 49 players in each server. Now, it has been visited more than 800 times and has been favorited 30 times. However, it seems that this game may not function as intended because the developer needs to update the game.
The second game is Anoka County Law Enforcement Training Institute. This game was created by jessicanderson1alt on January 7th, 2019. This game is able to be played by 50 maximum players in each server. Now, it has been visited more than 120 times and has been favorited 5 times.
Can we find the uncopylocked game of Anoka County? If you search Anoka County which is uncopylocked in Roblox, you will find the results as listed below.
- [Leaked] Anoka County which was created by AnokaCounty_Leaked on September 29th, 2018. This game is able to be played by 50 players in each server and it is categorized into a Town and City game genre. Now, it has no visitor but has been favorited 3 times.
For Anoka County, this game is the one that appear when you search. But, when you are searching, the other county games also appear as some of the results as we listed below.
- Roseford County, California [Uncopylocked] which was created by JoshuaRLockhart on February 25th, 2018. The last update of it was on February 10th, 2019. It can be played by 10 players in each server. Now, it has been visited 669 times and has been favorited 47 times.
- Havaro County Leaked Enjoy 😉 which was created by KoligerLeaked on January 1st, 2018. This can be played by 10 maximum players in each server and now it has been visited 248 times and has been favorited 30 times.
It is no wonder why developers set their game into copylocked. It is surelu because they do not want to share their game file for other people. Nevertheles, other Roblox player try to be able to get the copylocked games file by using exploit. There are a number of uncopylocked games in Roblox by using exploit which means that they only can get the localscripts/ builds. Those games are Roblox Battle (2018), Burger Abroad, Fish Simulator, Cube Cavern, Trade Hangout, Twisted Murderer, Mad Games, Roblox Deathrun, Call of Robloxia, Welcome to Roblox, Wheel of Fortune, and Speed Run 4.
But, it does not mean that we suggest you using exploit. However, using exploit violates the rules of Roblox. You can try to visit the Anoka County Leaked that we have mentioned above, if it is not what you are looking for, you can ask other Roblox players who can give you some information about Roblox Anoka County Uncopylocked.