Discord Nickname Emoji

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How do you get a nickname on Discord? If you want to get a nickname on Discord, there are two points that you have to know. First, you have to setting up your own nickname and the second point, you have to consider about the server management of user’s nicknames.

At the part one, you need to setting up your own nicknames. In this case, you are able to change your username and what’s seen by everyone else in the user list for every server you are a part of. Now, you need to click the server settings menu bar. After that, you have to click at the “Change Nickname” selection. The next step that you have to do is to enter your new nickname here, and click Save. You are able to do this for each server you are a part of. If you are a fan of slash commands, please type in ‘/nick’ then entering your nickname will have the same effect.

There is a note that you have to remember. If the server owner has denied your role the “change nickname” permission, then neither of these methods are going to work. The “Change Nickname” selection in the menu will not  appear, and Clyde is going to have a sad message for you. Please, Keep in mind that even if you are going to incognito with another nickname, but anyone can still click on your user profile and see your true name.

The second point to get a nickname on Discord is server management of user’s nicknames. You have to know that there are two permissions which dedicated to nickname usage. Those are Change Nickname and Manage Nicknames. You may want to know information more detail about them.

  • Change Nickname: Enabling this permission is going to allow you to change your nickname in the server.
  • Manage Nicknames: Enabling this permission is going to allow you to access the “members” server setting, but only that one. It is going to let you change other members’ nicknames within that server. Due to with every other permission, so the server owner has this permission intrinsically.

If you want to change usernames, you are able to access the members tab in server settings. There you are going to see the “nickname” box come up as you hover over a user’s row. In this case, everyone in the server is going to see their newly updated nickname, so please remember that with great nicknaming comes great responsibility.

There is the good news about nicknames. It is the normal Discord features which require you to know someone’s username will still apply as normal. you are able to use either name to @mention them: Even though the nickname does not have the letters “crank” in it, Discord still knows to reference their original username. It can also apply for searching the users in the Server Settings > Members tab. The last, please do not forget that you are able to adjust your nickname per server, and any server which allows you or your role the Manage Nicknames role will let you change other user’s nicknames.

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