There are many games you can play in Roblox platform. One of games is Loomian Legacy. It is a turn-based role-playing game that was released to the public on July 20, 2019. The game of Loomian Legacy was created on October 2015 by the development group Llama Train Studio.
Apparently, it is acting as both a new game and a replacement of Pokemon Brick Bronze game. Although it uses the same place ID that PBB originally sat in, actually, this game was being developed on a different place before its release. When you come to this page, you may want to know some information about the game of Loomian Legacy. Even, you may be curious what lvl do Loomian starters evolve. To find out that information, make sure that you read this entire article.
Once you play the game, you will be see a dad with a person named Derrick. You have to note that they study a rock that somehow switches the symbols around into a new order. Then, you will be see yourself watching a weather channel on a strange weather effect that happened. Afterwards, you go down stairs and talk with your mom. She tells you about the stuff and you are trying your new loomi-watch. Next, you need to put in your name and go outside for finding your dad in “Mitis Digsite”.
- Embit (Fire Type Loomian Evolution). It is a starter Loomian fire type that you are able to reach at Loomian Lab or at Mitis Town. Embit evolves into Rabburn at Level 18, then evolves into Searknight at Level 34.
- Rabburn (Fire Type Loomian Evolution). It is a fire type loomian and evolves from Embit at level 18 and Searknight at Level 34.
- Searknight (Fire Type Loomian Evolution). It evolves from Rabburn at level 34. The Loomian is metal and fire type.
- Dripple (Water Type Loomian Evolution). It is a starter water type Loomian that you are able to get it from Loomian Lab or at Mitis Town. The loomian evolves into Reptide at Level 18 and evolves into Luminami at Level 34.
- Reptide (Water Type Loomian Evolution). It is a water type Loomian and evolves from Dripple at level 18 and then evolves into Luminami at level 34.
- Luminami (Water Type Loomian Evolution). It is light and Water-type Loomian & Evolves from Reptide at level 34.
- Fevine (Plant Type Loomian Legacy Evolution). It is a starter loomian Plant type Beginner that you can get from the Loomian Lab or at Mitis Town.
- Felver (Plant Type Loomian Evolution). It is a plant type and evolves from Fevine at level 18 and envolves to Tahtab at level 34.
- Tahtab (Plant Type Loomian Evolution). It is a Brawler and Plant Type that evolves from Felver at level 34. The last Water Type evolution.
- Eaglit (Light Type Loomian Evolution). It is Eaglit is a Light type like loominami but a Beginner starter Loomian that you can get from Loomian Lab or at Mitis Town.
To see all Loomian evolutions, you are able to visit this link;