Unbelievaboat Bot Commands

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If you search about unbelievaboat in your browser, you will find a website of it in the first result. The site can be accessed at www.unbelievaboat.com. When you access the site, there is not many things there because the site is very simple. The logo is black with pink background and the appearance of the site is also in black.

In the top of the screen, you will be able to see the menu including Home, Commands, Tags, FAQ and Premium. Then, in the upper right side of the screen, there is Invite to Discord, Support Server and then Login. When you click on Command menu, you will be brought to a page where there are commands that you can use. You will see a Command Prefix there. For default, it is ‘!’ or ‘@mention’.

For example:

!help or @unbelievaBoat#1046 help

For command usage syntax, there are:

[] – optional parameter

<> – required parameter

<thing1 | thing2> – choose one of these options

Gear icon – configuration command (if the commands are entered without any parameters, it will tell you to the current setting).

Here are some commands in Unbelievaboat.

  • Music [Premium Bot Only]

play <song name or url>

You are able to search for a song to play or stream on Youtube or play or stream it from a url. You can use scsearch: to search for a track on Soundcloud. Let’s take an example: scsearch: Thunder.

The music providers are Spotify, Youtube, SoundCloud, Bandcamp, Vimeo, Twitch, Mixer and HTTP.

Example: play Thunder – Imagine Dragons

                   play https: www.youtube.com.watch?v=ueupsBPNkSc.

pause: It can pause or resume the song.

loop: It can repeat the whole queue forever.

queue: It can view list of the queued tracks.

  • Info

server-info: it will show various information and data of the server.

channel-info [channel] [topic]: shows various information on the given channel. Let’s take some examples:

channel-info #general

channel-info topic

channel-info #general topic

role-info <role>: shows various information on the given role.

These are just some of the commands in the UnbelievaBoat. For more commands, you are able to access the site.

It is important for you to know that if the commands are not working, you are able to check the bot has the sufficient permissions in the channel that you are trying to use it. It usually requires at least Read and Send Messages. So, you have to make sure that you check channel permission and any other roles the bot has.

Then, you also can try to check the command or module is not disabled. You are able to use the test command, in the Permissions module, to find what has been disabled to be able to prevent the command from working. Next trial that you can do if the commands are not working is checking if mentioning the bot works instead of using the prefix. The last method that you can try is making sure that you type the command correctly, You are able to view the command list again to check the usage of the command.

Well, if you want to know more about UnbelivaBoat and also the bot commands, you are able to visit the site at www.unbelivaboat.com.

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