Strucid is a FPS game that was created on September 2018 by Frosted Studio. According to the research, this Strucid game is based from the online game named, Fortnite. So, it not be wonder if there are many people call this game with the name “Strucid Fortnite”.
Aside from that, the game of Strucid by Frosted Studio is similar to LordJurrd’s game, Island Royale in Roblox game. Apparently, there are lots of game modes in Strucid that rotate around frequently while you are playing. For your information, the GFX artist for Strucid and Frosted Studios is a player named Arvensis.
This Strucid Fortnite is able to be play by 18 maximum players per server. As we said before that Strucid is categorized into FPS game. So, if you are one of FPS games lovers, we think that this game is recommended to play. Until now, Strucid Fortnite game has been visited more than 199 million times with more than 996K favorites and also more than 335K likes. You have to know that there are two game badges that you can get including Early Tester and You Killed The Creator. For your information, Early Tester is going to be given to the players who bought paid access in the early stages of development. You Killed The Creator badge will not be owned by anyone because no one kills the creator of the game.
Besides, in the game of Strucid Fortnite, you can also buy some game passes including VIP for R$ 750, More Exp for R$ 450, Boombox for R$ 350, Lumberjack for R$ 450, Accessory Plus for R$ 300, MVP for 1500 and Quest Master for R$ 350. By the way, do you know the benefit of each gamepass? You have to know that if you have VIP, so you are going to feel like a really important person since you get the ability to dab on ’em haters, daily golden cases, 10% more coins whenever you get them, chat tag, 1.2x refund, and exclusive accessories.
Then, if you have Boombox, it is going to allow you to share some music to your friends. When you have Lumber jack, it is going to help you once you are tired of swinging your pickaxe again and again because it is able to spawn with +100 wood and get more wood per hit. Next, if you buy Quest Master, it is going to give you one extra daily quest every day and you are going to get up to 5250 extra coins. If you buy More Exp, this game pass can help you if you are tired of grinding those levels up to unlock more weapons. If you buy Accessory Plus, so this game pass is going to permit you to wear up to five accessories instead of just 3. Then, if you have a gamepas named MVP, it is going to give you Rainbow “MVP” chat tag, Dominus Rex Accessory and daily diamond cases.
The last, if you like playing the game of Strucid Fortnite, so you can also join with the group named Strucid. It was owned by Syntax_moe. Currently, it has 4,059 members.