Is Ninja Legends as your favorite game in Roblox? What make you love this game so much? Do you know how to play this game to get a chance to be winner and get more points? If you just play the game without any strategy, definitely the game will be tasteless. So, how to get good and unpredictable strategy to avoid the enemy’s attack of playing Ninja Legends?
As we know that Ninja Legends is a kind of fighting game in which the players are allowed to have any strategy and good technique to make the enemy lost. This game is involved into training simulator which has a popular name as ninjitsu. The Ninja Legends was developed by Scriptbloxian Studios. Besides attacking the enemy, this game also focuses on training ninjitsu to buy sword and get ranks to have more powerful energy. It means that the higher you as ninjitsu is, the more powerful you are.
If you are so interested to play this game, of course, mastering the strategy for fighting game is totally a must. This game also offers some rewards that you can redeem to get a certain amount of coins. The reward can be received if you have any codes that you can use for any purposes. However, the code can be mentioned as the important thing in this game. Without the code, we believe that you cannot unleash your strategy as good as possible. It is because the codes can make your play getting easy and handy to do.
So, because of the code is so needed, it is better for you to look for any codes which are totally workable. Certainly, there are some codes that you can redeem to get any rewards. In this game, the code generally provides Chi and Coins, but sometimes can involve the soul too. If you are so curios to know the Ninja Legends code list, here they are:
Chi Codes
- fastninja100: You can get 100 Chi.
- legends200M: You can get unamount Chi.
- shadowninja500: You can get 500 Chi.
- epicflyingninja500: You can get 500 Chi.
- dragonwarrior500: You can get 500 Chi.
- DesertNinja250: You can get 250 Chi.
- epicninja250: You can get 250 Chi.
- masterninja750: You can get 750 Chi.
- swiftblade300: You can get 300 Chi.
- flyingninja500: You can get 500 Chi.
Soul Codes
- sparkninja20: You can get 20 Souls.
- soulhunter5: You can get 5 Souls.
Expired Codes
If you get the codes in the below, make sure that you do not use them because they are expired.
- epicsensei500: You can get 500 Chi.
- launch100: You can get 100 Coins.
If you have the codes either Chi or Souls, definitely you can use it for any purposes. If you have Chi, you can purchase pets. The pets will increase the multipliers of how much chi and coins taht you have. Meanwhile, if you have coins, you can use it for purchasing a tons of stuff such as belts, sword, and also character upgrades. Because of the stuff is so important resource, so, make sure that you collect it for it.