Roblox Entry Point is only compatible with two controllers. Those are keyboard and mouse and Xbox or computer compatible controller. Here is the details about the controls of the game called Roblox Entry Point.
Keyboard & Mouse Controls
- You can move mouse in order to move camera.
- You can press WASD or arrow keys to move. Please press W to move forward, press A to walk left, press D to walk right, and press S to walk backwards.
- You can press space to jump.
- You can press Shift to run.
- You can press Q to lean left and & press E to lean right.
- You can press C to change crouching stances, CTRL to prone, X to stand back up.
- You can press mouse Button 1 to fire.
- You can press mouse Button 2 or T to ADS or Aim Down Sights.
- You can press 1 & 2 or Middle Mouse Button to switch weapons.
- You can press 3, 4, & 5 to use deployables such as medkits, grenades, and so on.
- You can press F to interact with objects.
- You can press G to disable cameras with Interference perk and take disguises.
- You can press V for melee (hold V to switch between gun bash and knife).
Controller Controls
- You can move the right stick to move the camera.
- You can move the left stick to move.
- You can press Y to jump.
- You can push down on the Left stick & move to run.
- You can press L & R to lean.
- You can D-Pad up and down to go through crouching stances.
- You can Left Trigger to fire.
- You can Right Trigger to ADS or Aim Down Sights.
- You can tap X to take out/holster, Hold X to switch.
- You can hold D-Pad Up, D-Pad Down, and D-Pad Right to use deployables.
- You can press A to interact with objects.
- You can press B to disable cameras, take disguises, and interrogate.
- You can push down on the right stick to melee (Hold to switch between bash and knife.
Aside from those controls, there are some more left. If you want to toggle modification such as laser, flashlight, and canted sights, please press Z. If you want to interact, shout (with gun), disable cameras, and loop cameras (interference), you can press F. If you want to go to the inventory to drop an item, hold and drag it from the inventory to the ground, all that you have to do is to press I. If you want to detonate C4 or Breaching Charges, please press 6 and 7.
Please understand every control mentioned above well and do not be mistaken one with another. If you use the wrong control, you will not get the thing that you want and it will cause a mistake that might be hard to fix.