Online Heroes is known as a supernatural fighting game. This one was created by the Bloxxit Studios development group. The game is based on the popular franchise named My Hero Academia. In the past, It initially required a paid access fee of 25 Robux in order to play before its free release on August 16, 2019.
In the game called Online Heroes, every player will start out in the Hosu City area and has to grind to level 100 before being able to move onto the Beast’s Forest area. After another 100 levels there, there is a chance to finally move onto USJ for the last 100. All the players are able to fight mobs and other players on the enemy side.
There is a thing called a Quirk in the Online Heroes. As per the My Hero Academia universe, this one can be described as the type of powers that an individual can use. It is the an essential part of Online Heroes, and is divided into Common, Rare, Epic and Legendary grades, which can be obtained using a lootbox or gacha method by consuming Spins for a random Quirk each time:
- Common Spins. They are the cheapest and most abundant, but do not provide reliable chances for the highest grade Quirks.
- Rare Spins. They are a step up in that they do not include Common Quirks, but are slightly more expensive and less abundant.
- Epic Spins. They provide only Epic and Legendary grade Quirks, but are very expensive and hardly abundant compared to the previous two.
Just like most of the Roblox games, there are Online Heroes codes. All the codes can be redeemed to get the prizes. Some of the codes are still working while some have expired. What are the codes of Online Heroes that are not expired?
The first one is Release. This one was released on August 16, 2019 on Twitter. It is the free release. The spins of the code is 10 common. The second one is Ultima. This one was released the same day as the first one on the same platform. The spin of it is 1 epic. The reason of it is 130k likes. The third one is Commoner. This one was released a day after the first and the second one. Just like the two, this one also was from Twitter. The spin of it is 1 epic. The reason of the code is 140k likes. The fourth one is NightFame. This one was released a day after the third one on Twitter. The spin of it is 5 rare. The reason of the code is 150k likes. The fifth one is 20k. This one was released on the same day as the fourth one. The spin of it is 1 epic. The reason of the code is 160k likes. The sixth one is Phoenixxxx. This one was released on August 19, 2019. The last one is GearGEarNoMi. This one was released on August 20, 2019.