The song of Nowadays is a song by Lil Skies (American rapper) which is featuring American recording artist Landon Cube. Based on the research, the song of “Nowadays” was released for digital download on December 17, 2017. It is as the second single from his debut studio album Life of a Dark Rose.
You have to know that the song of “Nowadays” is one of the two first Lil Skies songs to reach the US Billboard Hot 100, debuting at number 85 and then peaked at number 55. Then, the music video was shot at Plano High School (Illinois). Nowadays Lil Skies featuring Landon Cube that was featured in Lil Skies second studio album of Shelby. The song categorized to Hip Hop and trap genre.
When you come to this page, you may want to know about the Roblox ID for Nowadays song by Lil Skies. Is it alright? If you want to know about the Roblox ID for Nowadays Lil Skies, so you are at the right page because here in this page we are going to share the Roblox ID for Nowadays by Lil Skies. You have to remember that Nowadays Lil Skies Roblox ID is 2975388297. Now, you are able to add 2975388297 as Roblox ID for Nowadays Lil Skies into the game you want to play in the online gaming called Roblox.
Talking about Nowadays Lil Skies, you may also want to know some information about Lil Skies. For your information, Lil Skies is popular name for Kimetrius Foose. Based on the research, he was born August 4, 1998. He is an American rapper, singer and songwriter from Waynesboro, Pennsylvania, United States that currently signed to All We Got Entertainment through Atlantic Records. There are his top three highest charting tracks on the Billboard Hot 100; “Nowadays”, and “Red Roses”. For note: Life of a Dark Rose (His major label debut mixtape) was released on January 10, 2018 and peaked at ten top on the Billboard 200 chart. On November 9, 2018, the album was certified Gold by the RIAA.
Besides the song of Nowadays, there are also many other song of Lil Skies (Kimetrius Foose). By the way, do you want to know other songs of Lil Skies (Kimetrius Foose)? If you want to know other songs of Lil Skies (Kimetrius Foose), so in this page, we are going also to share some list of Lil Skies (Kimetrius Foose) songs. Even, we are going to share them including their Roblox IDs. Here is a list of Lil Skies songs along with Roblox IDs.
- Lil Skies – I Know You (Roblox Id 2744831151)
- Lil Skies – Fake (Roblox Id 1547582479)
- Lil Skies – No Rest (Roblox Id 2688261786)
- Lil Skies – Pump 93 (Roblox Id 2890037822)
- Lil Skies – Opps want me dead (Roblox Id 2606751669)
- Lil Skies – Big Money (Roblox Id 1329334430)
- Lil Skies – Pop Star (Roblox Id 2824303372)
- Lil Skies – Rude (Roblox Id 1149878416)
- Lil Skie – Signs of Jealousy (Roblox Id 2879172821)