Nova Hotel Answers in Roblox

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For everyone who is going to have interview and are looking for the Roblox Nova Hotels answers, you are able to look for them by watching the videos from the Youtube channels. Please type the keyword and the result will be shown really fast. Here are some Roblox Nova Hotels answers as explained by a Youtube channel called GamerWei.

1. What should be done if you have been wrongly permanently banned?

a. Join on lats until your main has been unbanned.
b. Contact the higher rank on the Communications Server to appeal.
c. Spam the group wall to get unbanned.
d. Spam the messages of the Co-Founders to get unbanned.
The right answer is the B.

2. What should you do if the Hotel Guest is being rude to you?

a. Be rude to he Hotel Guest.
b. Warn the Hotel Guest for being rude.
c. Join the new server.
d. Call the High Rank+ to ban the Hotel Guest.
The right answer is the B.

3. What should you do if the Supervisor is lacking of grammar?

a. Insult the Supervisor about the lack of grammar.
b. Repeat multiples times to the Supervisor to use grammar.
c. Tell the Supervisor that he should be fired.
d. Report the Supervisor to the Executive Senior High Rank.
The right answer is D.

4. What should you do if the Supervisor is being rude to you?

a. Join the new server.
b. Ignore the Supervisor.
c. Report the Supervisor to the Executive Senior High rank.
d. Be rude to the Supervisor.
The right answer is C.

5. What should you do if the Hotel Guest is spamming?

a. Warn the Hotel Guest for spamming.
b. Ignore the Hotel Guest.
c. Mute the Hotel Guest using the /mute command.
d. Join the new server.
The right answer is A.

6. Are you allowed to ask the higher rank for the promotion?

a. No
b. Yes, once you reached 100 points.
c. Yes, once you reached 150 points.
d. Yes, once you reached 250 points.
The right answer is A.

7. Do you understand that being rude to a hotel guest or another fellow worker will result into a demotion?

a. I will not be rude unless I am being attacked.
b. I love being rude to the others
c. Yes
d. No
The right answer is C.

8. If a player obtains more than 8 warnings, what should you do?

a. Get a supervisor to kick the player.
b. Ask kindly the player to leave the line.
c. Keep on giving the player warnings.
d. Ignore the player.
The right answer is A.

Please remember all the correct answers so you can pass the interview well and get to work at a place called Nova Hotel. If you need more about the Roblox Nova Hotels answers, you are able to visit the channel mentioned above or the other channels that provide the Roblox Nova Hotel answers. Once again, please remember the right answers.

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