Mama is known as the ninth track from the 2006 album of the band called My Chemical Romance or MCR. The title of the album is The Black Parade. At first, the single version was set to be released on November 12, 2007 along with the music video directed by the lead singer of the band named Gerard Way himself. However, everything was postponed to November 16 of the same year, which also did not take place.
The song called Mama is about the narrative told from the perspective of a soldier at war. This soldier knows his death is coming soon, so he tries to mend his broken relationship with his mother while he still can. His effort is sending letters to his mother. From the lyrics, it seems like his mother is ashamed of him and the soldier is worried that he will be sent to the hell if he dies. This track is featured on the smash The Black Parade of the band and is loosely based on the character Mother War.
For those the Roblox players who love the song called Mama by My Chemical Romance or MCR and want to have the song featured in Roblox, now your wish can come true with the help of the feature of adding audio offered by Roblox. All that you need is the Roblox ID of Mama by MCR. If there is the Roblox ID of this song, then everything is possible.
Where can you find the Roblox ID of the song such as Mama by MCR? There are some methods that you can try. One of the most favorite is through the official website of Roblox. When you are in the site, you can just head to the Search bar and type “MCR Mama” or “My Chemical Romance Mama”. When you hit the Search or Enter button, all the results will be shown.
Apparently, there are only two things related to the MCR Mama audio. The first one is mcr – mama (part 1) by xxLuci_iXx. The Roblox ID of this audio is 2665411419. The second one is mcr – mama (part 2). This one was created by the same creator as the first one. The Roblox ID of it is 2665376339.
Actually, there are some other sites that provide the Roblox ID such as Music Coder, Roblox ID, and so on. Unfortunately, no one of the site has the Roblox ID of Mama by My Chemical Romance. Instead, there are some Roblox IDs of the other songs by the same band. Some of them are 302295756 (My Chemical Romance – Party Poison), 135996595 (My Chemical Romance – House of Wolves), 180804459 (My Chemical Romance – Drowning Lessons), 150108416 (My Chemical Romance – Our Lady Of Sorrows), 1173922089 (MCR – We’ll Carry On), 555649403 (Welcome to the Black Parade – Nightcore MCR), 366922608 (Welcome to the Centuries – MCR/FOB), and many more. Please do not forget that you can only use the feature of adding audio if the game that you want is available to use this feature.