If you search something related to Chillin on Roblox, you will given a lot of results that related to it such as face, music, and even costume. But if you specifically search Just Chillin, you will be directed to a face. The name of the face is Just Chillin and it is a decal.
[Face] Just Chillin is a face which is categorized into a decal. This decal was published by snwdrft and it was last updated on July 3rd, 2015. If you search this item in Roblox and then click on the item, you will see in the description that it is written that your just chillin’ with your friend on hot summer day, whistlin to your favorite song on the radio. At the end if the words, it also ask whether there is more could you ever what. This eyes of this face is like sleepy with the left eyebrow is lifted and the mouth forms O. The Roblox ID of this decal is 264407598.
Another face that you can find on Roblox which is related to Just Chillin’ is Chill Face which was published by Roblox on January 14th, 2009 and it can be bought for free. Until June 23rd, 2019, this face has been bought 26,611,664 times and favorited 141,654 times. Little bit different from Just Chillin’ face, this face has sleepy eyes with a smile mouth. Until now, this item is still available. If you check to the Roblox catalog, in the description section of this item, there is short words which are written that it’s time to chillax. The Roblox ID of this decal is 7074764.
If you like something chill and you want to buy everything related to chill things, you are able to do it. In the Roblox catalog, there is Chill Cap. This item was published by Roblox on November 20th, 2015 and at the beginning, it can be bought for 15 Robux. Now, this item is limited item as a part of the Memorial Day 2017 Sale on May 29th, 2017. If you check this item now on Roblox it costs R$ 997 and the Roblox ID is 321570512. Until Now, this item has been favorited more than 83K times. The appearance of this cap is simple. This hat is white with the word “Chill” on the front which is written in cursive.
What other chill things that we can get from Roblox? Well, there is Just Chillin’ Top by pettiness which was published by pettiness. This shirt costs R$ 5 and it was last updated on May 6th, 2018. Until now, it has 119 favorites and the Roblox ID is 1496857747. This is a crop top in black color with red stripes in the shoulders part. You can also find Just Chillin’ Top by pettiness which was published by pettiness. This shirt costs R$ 5 and it was last updated on May 6th, 2018. Until now, this shirt has been favorited 328 times and the Roblox ID is 1496861034. The form of this shirt is the same as the black one but for this shirt, the color is yellow.