In the game called Counter Blox, knife is known as a default melee weapon for the agent class. The fire rate of it is about 2 seconds each swing. When stabbing from the front, this one deals 40 damage to the target but when stabbing from the back, the story is different,
Every knife costs different. For the Frozen Dream, the prices are 700R$ (Butterfly Frozen Dream, Bayonet Frozen Dream, and Karambit Frozen Dream), and 650 R$ (Gut Frozen Dream, Huntsman Frozen Dream, and Falchon Frozen Dream). For the Stocks, Butterfly and Bayonet cost 650 R$ each, Karambit costs 725 R$, Gut and Huntsman cost 400R$ each, and Falchion costs 300 R$. For the Wetland, Butterfly costs 600 R$, Karambit costs 725 R$, Karambit costs 400 R$, Bayonet costs 500 R$, Gut and Falchion cost 300 R$ each, Huntsman costs 400 R$.
For Naval, Butterfly costs 700R4, Karambit costs 500R$, Bayonet and Huntsman cost 600 R$ each, and Gut and Falchion cost 400 R$ each. For Marbleized, Butterfly, Karambit, and Bayonet costs 800 R$ each, Gut and Falchion cost 500R$ each, and Huntsman costs 700R$. For Geo Blade, Bayonet costs 4.3k R$, Gut costs 800 R$, and Huntsman costs 1.5k R$. For Jade Dream, Butterfly costs 2.8k R$ and Karambit costs 2.7k R$. For Ruby, Butterly and Karambit cost 3.7k R$ each, Gut and Falchion cost 2.8k R$ each, and Huntsman costs 2.9k R$. For Blood Widow, Butterly costs 4k R$, Karambit costs 3.8k R$, Gut costs 3.0k R$, Huntsman costs 3.1k R$, and Falchion costs 2.8k R$. The other ones like Clippled Fade, Hallows, and Splatter knives share the similar prices. As for the Unique Knives, they are all more expensive compared to the rest.
Unfortunately, not all people can afford to buy those knives. Then, how to get free knife Counter Blox? In order to get free knife Counter Blox, there is no other way than joining the giveaway. There are a plenty of giveaway of knife Counter Blox on Youtube. When you are there, you can just head to the Search bar and type something like “free knife counter blox”. By doing so, you will be able to see some results. Instead of giving the “legit” information, those channels usually will ask you to join the giveaway that they hold to get free knife Counter Blox.
One of the most popular Youtube channels to hold the free knife Counter Blox giveaway is Eduardopeixer. There are some requirements for the giveaway. The first one is to subscribe on the Youtube channel of Eduardopeixer. The second one is to leave your Discord and Roblox username. The third one is to comment with #giveaway. In the end, the channel will announce the winner of the giveaway on his channel. Please check out the channel regularly to get the latest information.
It is better for you to join the community of Roblox to find the other method to get free knife Counter Blox that might exist. The community of Roblox is the best place that you can get if you want to know a lot of information about Roblox.