How to Change Roblox Font

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In the Roblox world, the term “Roblox font” is used to call the style of the textbox or textlabel. This kind of thing may be used to emphasize something or may be used to follow the theme of the game. Having the same Roblox font for a long time can be boring. When it happens, sometimes you just want to change it to get the new different feeling. The question is, can you change the Roblox font? How to change this kind of thing? Keep reading the article to find out the answer.

The good news is that the answer to the question is yes. You are able to change the Roblox font. Then, how to change the Roblox font? The first thing that you have to do is to right click on the Roblox shortcut in your desktop. Then, press “Open File Location”. Now press on Content and then Fonts. You will be able to see all the Roblox fonts even though Roblox only uses some of them. Now you want to cut these files. All that you have to do is to make the backup folder for the files that you copied earlier. Then, paste it into the folder.

In addition, please keep in mind that you do not have to name your file backup. The next thing that you have to do is to download your font. You could search Roblox fonts in There are a lot of fonts that you can choose. Some of the options are Antique (Roman Antique), Arcade (press start 2P), Arial, ArialBold, Bodonu (Accanthis ADF), Cartoon (Comic Neue Angular), Code (Inconsolata), Fantasy (Balthazar), Garamond (Guru), Gotham Black, Gotham Bold, Gotham Book, Gotham Medium, Highway (Highway Gothic), Legacy, SciFi (Zekton), SourceSans, SourceSansBold, SourceSansItalic, SourceSansLight, SourceSansSemibold. Click that one font that you want to use and download it. After you download it, you have to extract it. Now you want to rename the downloaded font to one of the font names in the backup folder. After that, copy and paste the renamed font file to the Roblox fonts folder. For instance, if you renamed it into “Arial”, then you have to copy and paste the files other than Arial in the backup folder. When you are done, it is time for you to check it and see if the font is different.

Please follow every step well so you will be able to change the Roblox font without doing any mistakes. Apparently, the method of changing the Roblox font explained above was from a Youtube video created by Repletack Main. For the better explanation, it is better for you to watch everything directly from that channel. Watching the video might make you more understand to follow every instruction to change the Roblox font instead reading the instructions. If you think that this method is too complicated and you need the earlier one, you can look for one from some sources such as the community of Roblox. There, there might be the simple method shared by the members.


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