How to Change Roblox Birthday

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If you want to change your Birthday on Roblox, first we want to ask you. Are you under 13 or 13+? This information will determine whether you are able to change your birthday on Roblox. Do you want to get complete information about it? Continue to read this article.

If your age now is 13+, you are able to change your birthday any time and you are able to do it by going into the upper right corner in your account and then click on the little gear icon. After that, you will be able to see the drop down menu appears and then click on Settings. From there, you are able to adjust your date, month and year of your birth date. At last, click on Save button.

However, if you are under 13 years old, you are not able to change your birthday in your account. Why is there the difference rule between under 13 and 13+ users? It happens since there is COPPA law. If you try to tell to Roblox team that you want to change your birthday by sending them an email and you set it under 13 before, you are not able to change your age and Roblox team also cannot change the age for you. You need to know that Roblox has commitment to the safety and privacy of Roblox users along with the compliance to COPPA law under 13 age users. So, they are not able to change their username.

Let’s find out some information about Roblox safety. Roblox is a member in the kidSAFE Seal Program and it has been approved by the Federal Trade Commission as an authorized safe harbour under the COPPA. Do you know what COPPA is? It is abbreviation for Children’s Online Privacy Protection. Roblox has commitment with COPPA to ensure the privacy of Roblox users under the age of 13 and implementing measures which are reasonable to prevent them from sharing personal information through chat messages or in-game. Besides, Roblox also has commitment to compliance with the European Union’s General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR). This regulation provides a set of standardized data protection laws across all Europan Union member countries.

If you set your birthday as under 13 but it happened accidentally and then now you want to change it, you are able to try to send an email to In the email, you have to explain your issue as detail as possible so that the Roblox team will be able to help your issue regarding to your birthday changing. But, if they cannot change your birthday just because they think that you are really under 13, you are able to make a new Roblox account.

So, when you make a Roblox account, make sure that you set the accurate birthday so that there will no time for changing your birthday in the future because if you are under 13, it will not be easy. Do not be angry to Roblox because of this. Roblox implements this rule because they want to protect all of Roblox users including kids users so that they are able to use Roblox wisely and enjoy the features without receiving any bad things.

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