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When you enter keyword ‘’ in your browser to find websites which offer you free Robux, you will find a lot of results. In this chance, we will explain whether it is possible to get free Robux from a site. If it is possible, how to do it? Let’s find out the answer.

The first result of searching is In this site, you are able to find some information related to Robux such as how to get free Robux and they also state that free Robux is scam, and also how to get Robux legally which includes shopping for the Builders Club, sell your creations and more.

Another result is In this site seems like a Robux generator. In this site, the appearance is just simple. The title in the page is Robux Giveaways. Under it, there is note which says that the total Robux to collect is 4000. You are able to login to your Roblox account to receive your Robux. There are two boxes including username box and password box and you have to enter both and then click on Login.

A website like may be a scam. It is because they promise you Robux and you have to enter your username and password. We tried to test it. We entered the username and password randomly. Do you know what we get? It is said that ‘Success, your Robux will be delivered within 72 hours!’. Under this message, there is a message that we have to copy to share to others. The message is asking other people to visit that site. From the trial that we did, it proves that is a scam. We enter the wrong username and password but then they said that we got Robux. It is nonsense. is another result of searching This site is also a Robux generator. The site claims that if you want to get free Robux, you have to use the Roblox Generator there. They claim that you are able to get unlimited Robux to your Roblox account and it is easy to use.

How to get free Robux there? You just have to choose how much Robux that you want to add in your account and then, click on Generate. After that, there will be a small window which ask you to enter your username and also the platform that you use. Then, click on Continue.Then, they said that you are succeed in getting free Robux. The next step, you have to click on Human Verification and then you will be directed to do an offer to get free Robux.

From our trial, is a scam. Even though there are a lot of comments and notes that a lot of people got Robux in that site, but it seems that the comments are also fake. You need to know that there is bot that can generate those fake comments so that it seems like real.

So, the conclusion is that there is no free Robux. If you visit a site which offer you free Robux like, it is a scam. It is better for you not to visit this kind of site because it can be dangerous. They just want to get advantage from your visit. So, be careful and make sure just use legal ways to get anything in Roblox.

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