The term “chat” is known as the communication feature in a lot of multiplayer games, including Roblox. Apparently, there are two types of chat. The first one is the normal chat and the second is the safe chat. All the features allow the player to chat with the other players and friends in the game. According to Wiki, guests were the only players who could not use the chat due to the removal of the safe chat before they were removed.
In the later 2016, Roblox reduced the thing called the core scripts relating to the chat window to level 2. It allows the creators of the game to create the custom chat windows and make modifications. Even though it does open the chance for the inappropriate messages to be sent, Roblox asks the creators to use the Chat:filterString for the system messages and anything extra. It it does not happen, the game will go under review. On the bright note, this one will allow the creators of the game to make the chat window better match their games.
As stated before, since 2014, the safe chat menu is disable, removing the ability to chat from guests. However, every player whose age in under 13 earn ability to chat only with words marked on the whitelist. As for the words that not marked on the whitelist, they are all replaced with hashes (#). Meanwhile, every player whose age 13 or over is able to use any word, except the ones in the blacklist. This time, any explicit word marked in the blacklist was replaced by “(Content Deleted)”. To prevent this kind of thing from happening, all the players censor their words by placing several places in the vulgar word or even make it look like one. It was changed again to a hash (#).
Talking about the Roblox chat, you cannot exclude fonts for Roblox chat. What is fonts for Roblox chat? Roblox font is used for the style of the textbox, or textlabel. Roblox fonts may be used in order to emphasize something or may be used to follow the theme of the certain game
Fonts for Roblox chat vary. Some of them are Antique (Roman Antique), Arcade (press start 2P), Arial, ArialBold, Bodonu (Accanthis ADF), Cartoon (Comic Neue Angular), Code (Inconsolata), Fantasy (Balthazar), Garamond (Guru), Gotham Black, Gotham Bold, Gotham Book, Gotham Medium, Highway (Highway Gothic), Legacy, SciFi (Zekton), SourceSans, SourceSansBold, SourceSansItalic, SourceSansLight, SourceSansSemibold.
Feel free to use any font for Roblox chat that you want. The best Roblox font is the one that suitable with the style of the user. It means the font for Roblox chat can be anything with fancy design and color but still should make the user read the chat well. What is the point of using the fancy design and color if it make you cannot read the chat? Once again, it is better for you to choose the one with pretty design without setting aside the function of the chat.