Barney Rocks is an album that was released on August 15, 2000 on CD and cassette under the music division of Lyrick Studios, making it the final album to be released under the studio. It was produced by Joseph K. Philips and succeeded by Barney’s Greatest Hits: The Early Years.
Barney Rocks was re-released by Koch Records and HIT Entertainment in 2003 along with previous Barney albums. The album was released the same day as Come on Over to Barney’s House and it was the only album to have Barney voiced by Duncan Brannan. The album sticks with the theme of pop/rock and having a musical styling of that genre but aged appropriate for children.
Following the release of Barney Rocks, a spanish language version, Barney Rocks was released on March 2, 2001. Inspired by the album, a stage show was performed in Mexico from 2010-2011 titled Barney Rocks! El Concierto en Vivo! taking songs from the album and other Barney media.
There are many songs of this Barney Rocks album including A Rock N Roll Star, Blue Jay Blues, It’s a Fun Sunny Day, Walk Around the Block, Imagine a place, Anything Can happen, BColors All Around, By Myself, Pretty Kitty Blues, I Put a Smile On, Have a snack, Sour Pickle Face and many more. If you want to know more information about the songs of Barney Rocks, you are able to visit the page of Barney Rocks on Wikia.
If you search Barney Rocks Roblox from your choice browser, then there you are going to find some results regarding that. You are able to find an audio named Rock Barney that was created by Cain Club. When we write this article, it was updated on November 17, 2017 by KillerVamp222. It is categorized to all genre and the Roblox ID for this audio is 1181731276. If you want to get this audio, you are able to click at the green Get button. Next, do not forget to add the Roblox ID of Rock Barney into your game you want to play.
Aside from that, you are able also to find some games related the Barney Rocks. One of the game is Barney Rocks! Live in Concert! This one was created by bultum2014 on August 3, 2018. Based on the date, the game was updated on November 19, 2018. It is categorized to all genres and the Roblox Id of the game is 2167119496. For your information, the game of Barney Rocks! Live in Concert! can be played by 50 maximum players in each server.
Another game related Barney Rocks is Barney ROCKS! At California! This one was created by sf1206 on June 3, 2017. According to the research, the game was updated on May 19, 2019. It is categorized to Town and City genre and the Roblox Id of the game is 849290334. The game can be played by 50 maximum users in one server. If you want to play it, so you are able to play now.