Rocitizens Blueprint Code

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Rocitizens is a Roblox game that was created by the user named Firebrand1 on December 6th, 2013. According to the research, it has a huge fanbase and it is one of the most popular games on Roblox platform. In this game, you are able to get houses, apartments, cars, careers, phone, and more.

Blueprints are the houses that can be purchased in the Blueprints part of the shop. After you purchase a Blueprint, so you are able to place it on a piece of land and reuse it. By the way, how do you get blueprints in Rocitizens? To get or buy blueprints in Rocitizens, you are able to click on the shop on the bottom left side of the screen and purchase blueprints in the Blueprints tab. If you want to build a house or mansion, you are going to need to head over to the residential area and locate a red “For Sale” sign.


  • Small Cabin: The price is $1,700
  •  Classic Suburban: The price is $3,500
  •  Taylorian: The price is $21,000
  •  Mansion: The price is $25,000
  • Contemporarian: The price is $85,000
  • Luxury Cabin: The price is $110,000
  • Modern Bungalow: The price is $145,000
  •  Antine Villa: The price is $200,000

Blueprints or houses also provide a place for others to stay at your home. For your information, this process is well known as “Roommating”.

You may want to know information about Rocitizens blueprint code. If you want to know its information, so you are at the right page because in this page we are going to share Rocitizens code for house/ Blueprints. Let us see the text below.


The following is a list of all the different codes and what you will get once you put them in.

1. sweettweets – This code will gives you a Twitter Trophy and $2,500.

2. rainyday – This code will gives you $3,500.

3. youwishyouhadafish – This code will gives you $1,500.

4. ihaveafish – This code will gives you $1,000.

5. coldhardcash – This code will gives you $3,500.

6. alittlesomething – This code will gives you $4,000.


The following list is out of date codes that used to be in the game, but they are no longer available for use. Do not worry about that, if you have already put in these codes, so you will not lose what you got.

1. supdatember – This code gave you $4,000.

2. cantthinkofcodenames – This code gave you $2,000.

3. ilovefirebrand1 – This code gave you $4,000.

4. xmasbonus – This code gave you $1,500.

5. bugsareannoying – This code gave you $2,500.

6. gimmegimmegimme – This code gave you $750.

7. allthemoola – This code gave you $1,000.

8. ggpd – This code gave you $10,000.

9. goodluckspellingsovereignty – This code gave you a Sovereignty Computer.

10. canigetahottub – This code gave you a free Hot Tub.

11. cornerpocket – This code gave you a free Pool Table.

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