Do you want to copy and paste the Roblox Sprint script? Where do you can get the script of Roblox Sprint? If you want to copy and paste Roblox Sprint script, so you are able to visit the site of Pastebin.
We all know that Pastebin is one of the best sites in providing the scripts including the Roblox scripts. Until now, there are many Roblox players who have already visited the site of pastebin only to copy and paste the Roblox scripts. They said that the scripts from Pastebin are work. So, if you really want to copy and paste the Roblox Sprint script, you do not be hesitate to visit the site of Pastebin.
By the way, how to find Roblox Sprint script so that you can copy and paste the script? To find Roblox Sprint script on Pastebin, actually it is very easy. There are some easy steps you can do like these steps below:
- At the first step, go to the official website of Pastebin.
- When you come to the homepage of Pastebin, next you are able to login. If you do not have your account, so you are able to create your account first. For note: actually you can still copy and paste the script without you login. So, it is free for you to login or not.
- After that, you need to move your cursor to the top center of the page. Now, you will be moved to the Search Bar. You have to know that this Search bar is an easist way to find the scripts.
- On the Search bar, you are able to type any scripts which you want to copy and paste. In this time, you want to copy and paste Roblox Sprint script, so just type in “Roblox Sprint Script”.
- Then, do not forget to press Enter button to see the results.
- Afterwards, on your screen, you will be able to see some results regarding Roblox Sprint script. Now, of course you need to focus to find the right one, Roblox Sprint script.
- After you find the Roblox Sprint script, then you are able to copy and paste the scripts on your Roblox account.
Here are some part of Roblox Sprint script we find on Pastebin site:
local mouse = game.Players.LocalPlayer:GetMouse()
local running = false
function getTool()
for _, kid in ipairs(script.Parent:GetChildren()) do
if kid.className == “Tool” then return kid end
return nil
mouse.KeyDown:connect(function (key) — Run function
key = string.lower(key)
if string.byte(key) == 48 then
running = true
local keyConnection = mouse.KeyUp:connect(function (key)
if string.byte(key) == 48 then
running = false
for i = 1,5 do
game.Workspace.CurrentCamera.FieldOfView = (70+(i*2))
wait ()
If you want to see the Roblox Sprint script fully, so we suggest you to go to the site of Pastebin directly. Or simply you are able to visit this link; By clicking this link, you will be bring to the page where you are able to copy and paste Roblox Sprint script fully.