If you want to know how to cancel Builders Club (BC), so you are able to keep to reading this article because here we are going to discuss and share about that. Make sure that you read this article until end.
Before we continue to discus about how to cancel Builders Club (BC) member, we want to explain some information related Builders Club (BC). You have to know that Builders Club (BC) is a premium membership that give the members extra privileges on Roblox platform that cannot be obtained by non-Builders Club members such as a daily Robux stipend or the ability to make and sell the Roblox items including shirts and pants. You have to note that these items enable much bigger customization of users’ avatars and their interactive creations.
Apparently, there are three types of Builders Club (BC) memberships that you are able to purchase. Those are Builders Club, Turbo Builders Club, and Outrageous Builders Club. In this case, Roblox cards which can be used to get BC memberships is able to be purchased at various retailers such as Walmart, GameStop, EB Games, Best Buy, etc. Once purchasing Robux, a user with Builders Club is going to get a somewhat significant bonus of more Robux with his/her purchase compared to a non-Builders Club member. For your information, the prices for both Builders Club and Robux may vary between currencies. In an example, a user with their account’s country set to the United Kingdom is going to view prices in GBP rather than USD.
According to the research, in early May of 2019, Roblox began to delete certain features that were exclusive to or a bonus for Builders Club members. At RDC 2019, it was confirmed that Builders Club (BC) is going to be replaced by Premium, and some Roblox staff members have already received the membership for testing purposes.
So, what you can do if you want to cancel your Builders Club (BC) membership? We are sure that you are very curious to know its information although we are sure that you do not want to do it. well, to make you do not be curious about that, so you are able to see and read the following text.
- Please log into the account where the membership was bought.
- Then, you are able to open the gear icon in the upper right.
- Now, you are able to open Settings.
- Please, open Billing.
- Then, you have to click the Cancel button and follow prompts until the subscription is completely canceled.
- Please log into the account where the membership was bought.
- Then, you need to go to Upgrade Now on the left of the main Roblox browser view.
- On the Upgrade page, in the upper-right corner, you are going to see a blue Cancel link.
- Just click the link and follow the prompts until the subscription is canceled completely.