You may like listening to Sesame Street by Joey Trap in Spotify, Youtube and other platforms. Now, you want to listen to it in Roblox as well. If you want to listen to a song in Roblox, you have to make sure that the song is available in Roblox Audio Library because we will need the Roblox ID to implement it and then we can listen to it.
Run that bih up like a track meet, mmm
Run that bih up like a track meet, mmm
Gimme the pack and I might tax that
She gotta fatty, I might tap that
Gimme your addy, we pullin’ up to your pad
Above is the part of the Sesame Street lyrics. If you check the song in Youtube in the channel of Joey Trap, you are able to see that the video has been viewed more than 10 million times. Even it has been liked more than 214k times. So, a lot of people like this song as well.
You maybe want to listen to this song in Roblox and you want the bypass version. If you search Sesame Street Joey Trap in Roblox, you will get these results:
- Comethazine x Joey Trap Sesame Street. This song was published by etherual and it is free to use. This song was last updated on August 7th, 2017 and now it has been favorited more than 1,000 times. The Roblox ID of this song is 964100629.
- Joey Trap – Sesame Street (Instrumental). This song was published by The Nice Trollers and it is free to use. This song was last updated on March 14th, 2019 and it has been favorited 17 times. The Roblox ID of the song is 2957936267.
So, if you are looking for the bypass version of Sesame Street Joey Trap, it seems that it is not available. If you cannot find the Sesame Street Joey Trap X Bypass and then you have the file of the song in your computer, you are able to upload it to Roblox so that you can listen to it in Roblox and even other people can also enjoy it.
But, if you need the other songs of Joey Trap, you are able to find some of them in Roblox. Here they are.
- Joey Trap – Think Less. This song was published by AWSOMEDJBOY. This song is free to use and the last update was on June 11th, 2017. It has been favorited 19 times and the Roblox ID is 862229339.
- Joey Trap – Back (Clean). This song was published by Ethqral and it was last updated on April 23rd, 2019. Now, it has been favorited 5 times and the Roblox ID is 3104577312.
- Joey Trap – Awake. This song was published by AWSOMEDJBOY. It was last updated on June 20th, 2017 and now it has been favorited 16 times. The Roblox ID of this song is 875477091.
You are able to listen to the songs above one by one. And if you really want to listen to Sesame Street Joey Trap X Bypass but you cannot find it in Roblox Audio Library, you are able to upload it if you have the file.