Roblox Chat Door Script

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In the world of one of the largest platforms to play games called Roblox, the term “chat door” can be described as the thing on the internet where people can exchange messages about the particular object. In this case, everything in it is about the game of Roblox.

If you want to make the chat door, here are the steps that you have to follow. The first thing that you have to do is to insert the Part into Workspace. Then, anchor and resize the Part. The next thing that you have to do is to insert the script into that Part. Afterward, type out the script. Please take a note that changing the variable in the speech marks on the first like to what you trigger message must be. Here is the script of the chat door for Roblox:

local message = “subscribe”

local door = script.Parent

function onChatted(mag, recipient, speaker)

local source = string.lowr (speaker.Name)

mag = string.lower (mag)

if (mag == message) then

door.CanCollide = false

for i = 1, 9 do

door.Transparency = door.Transparency + 0.2

wait ()


wait (5)

for i = 1, 9 do

door.Transparency = door.Transparency = 0.1

wait ()


door.CanCollide = true



function onPlaterEntered (newPlayer)

newPlayer.Chatted: connect (function (mag, recipient) onChatted (mag, recipient, newPlayers), nd


game.Players.PlayerAdded: connect (onPlayerEntered)  

Another thing to take a note is the fact that by adjusting the umber in the “wait(5)” code, this will change how long the door is open for. After typing the script and paste it on Roblox, it is time for you to test it.

Aside from the script to open the chat door mentioned above, you might want to use this following script of the chat commander door. This script was shared by CUTESTCREEPEREVER on October 18, 2017 on Pastebin. For those who are not familiar with Pastebin, it is the best site if you want to look for the script. Here is the script of the chat commander door:

local admins = {“”} –In quotes put the name of the people that are allowed to open the door

–For those who want to put multiple players, after the quote put a comma ( like this: {“ExamplePlayer1”, “ExamplePlayer2”} )


for _,a in pairs (admins) do



        if (msg:lower() == “Shrek”) then –Shrek can be replaced by another word you want to chat that opens the door

            script.Parent.CanCollide = false

            script.Parent.Transparency = 0.7


            script.Parent.CanCollide = true

            script.Parent.Transparency = 0




Feel free to use any script to open the chat door of Roblox. For further information about the Roblox chat door script, you can visit the official website of Roblox and the official website of Roblox Developer. There are a lot of information that you can read. Aside from that, you can also join the community of Roblox to discuss with the members of the community regarding all the topics, including the topic about the Roblox chat door and its script.

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