When you apply job in Boho Salon, there is a process of recruitment where you have to be able to answer the questions of the quiz. In the quiz, the questions will be about Boho Salon so that you need to know much about Boho Salon in order to pass the quiz.
One of the questions of the quiz is about LR who give makeovers and of course you need to know about it. If you find a question about LR who gives makeovers, the answer is Makeup Artist. As we know that in Boho Salon, there are a lot of jobs and one of them is Makeup Artist. Makeup Artist is in Middle Ranks and the task of this job is put makeup on clients on the other words makeovers.
If we talk about Middle Ranks where Makeup Artist is in, there are the other jobs in this rank including:
- Tattoo Artist who will draw tattoos on clients.
- Children Career who will care for children in the salon.
- Hair Dresser who will style or cut the hair of clients.
- Receptionist who will help clients make appointments.
- Designer who will give customers new clothing.
- Nail technician who will do the nails of clients.
- Wash & Dry Service who will work in the Wash & Dry Service.
- Senior Stylist who will have mastered their hair cutting and styling skills.
Before you can work as the jobs above, as we mentioned previously that you have to take a quiz and you have to be able to answer the quiz well. If there is a question about which LR who give makeovers, you can answer it because we have informed you the answer of it above. But, how about the other questions? Here, we have some questions and answers of the quiz and you are able to learn it.
Q: What is the slogan of Boho Salon?
A: Where the weaves start!
Q: Which of the following cannot boss workers around.
A: Client.
Q: If you were to see an inappropriate card given to someone by a worker, what would you do?
A: We have to report it to a HR with screenshot proof.
Q: What is the name of rank number [3]?
A: Children Career.
Q: How should you greet a client when they arrive at Boho Salon?
A: Kindness and proper grammar.
Q: Which of the following does not give points in the salon?
A: Listening to customer’s complaints.
Q: What do you do if someone is being mean to the customers?
A: We have to tell them to stop and if they don’t stop, screenshot what they are doing and send it to HR.
Q: What do you do if a client is unsatisfied with your work?
A: Offer to change/ redo their look until they are satisfied.
Well, good luck for you in Boho Salon and enjoy the job there. Also, make sure that you can give good service during you work in Boho Salon.