There are words used in the community of Roblox, including slang. One of them is called tags. What does tag mean in one of the biggest platforms to play games called Roblox? You can find out the answer by reading the article.
Tags or tagging is short for hastag or hashtagging. This kind of term is used for when the words of a player are censored and replaced with the sharp (#) symbol. Roblox community is made up of players and developers of Roblox of all ages. Everyone works really hard to achieve the safe and fun environment for all of the users. In order to get to the level, Roblox provides the users and the parents with numerous parental controls and safety features.
Apparently, all the chat on Roblox is filtered in order to prevent the inappropriate content and personally identifiable information from being visible on the platform. There are two types of chats. The normal chat is the first one and the safe chat is the second one. For your information, the safe chat is disabled and now there are custom chat and normal chat.
Roblox reduced the Core Scripts relating to the Chat Window to the level 2 in 2006. It allows the creators of the game to create the custom chat windows and make modifications. Despite having a chance for the inappropriate messages to be sent, Roblox demands that the creators use the thing called Chat:FilterString for system messages and anything extra, or else the game will be under review. On the other side, it allows the creators of the game to make the chat window better match their game.
Since 2014, the safe chat menu is disable, removing the ability to chat from guests. The good news is that all the players whose age is under 13 years old have the ability to chat only with words marked on the Whitelist. Each word that is not marked on that list is replaced with # or hashtags. Players whose age is 13 years or over can use any word, except the ones in the Blacklist. In general, every explicit word marked in the Blacklist was replaced by “(Content Deleted)”. In order to avoid this from happening, Roblox players censor their words by placing several spaces in their vulgar word or even make it look like one. In the end, this was changed again to a # or hashtags.
This paragraph will give you the explanation about the safe chat. Safe chat was known as the chat mode that prevented all the Roblox players that usually under 13 years old from typing the custom messages and numbers into the chat bar for the safety reasons, such as to prevent said users from typing expletives and or profanity. However, those users were allowed to chat the pre-programmed messages, yet could not type their won messages. It is said that the guests always had super safe chat on, unless it was changed by the exploit. Even though you cannot access super safe chat through the safe chat, this one can still be used by the users that have the custom chat.