Roblox Tween is used to interpolate the properties of instances. The object of it itself controls theplayback of the interpolation. Making and configuring tweens is done with the thing called TweenService:Create function. This one is the only one to create the tweens. is not able to be used for the certain object.
Please remember that while the configuration of the tween can be accessed after the tween has been created, it is not be able to be modified. If the new purposes are needed for interpolation, the new tween has to be created.
A lot of tweens can be played on the same object at the same time. However, they must not be animating the same property. If there are two tweens try to modify the same property, the initial tween will be cancelled and overwritten by the latest one.
This following paragraphs will talk about Roblox TweenService. Roblox Tween is used to interpolate the properties of instances. It can be used to create the animations for various Roblox objects. Almost any numeric property is able to be tweened using Roblox TweenService. Please take a note that only the specific types of properties can be used with Roblox TweenService. All the types of properties that are able to be tweened are number, bool, CFrame, Rect, Color3, Udim, Udim2, Vector2, Vector2int16, and Vector3.
According to Roblox Developer, Roblox TweenService has just one function. It is TweenService:Create. This one takes information about the animation and generates the Tween object that can be used to play the animation. Please keep in mind that the Tween can animate multiple properties at the same time.
Apparently, all the details on how the interpolation of the tween is to be carried out are given in the TweenService:Create’s tweenInfo parameter. The data type of the TweenInfo include the range of the properties tat can be used to achieve various styles of animation, including reversing and looping Tween.
Some of the tweens are able to be played on the same object at the same time. However, they must not be animating the same property. It there are two tweens try to modify the same property, the initial tween will be cancelled and overwritten by the most recent tween.
Even though the other methods exist for tweening objects, such as Gui0bject: TweenSizeAnd Position, the Roblox TweenSevice allows some properties to be modified and for the information to be paused and cancelled at any point.
Roblox TweenService has the Create function. The Create function of it creates the new Tween. This function takes three arguments. The first one is the object to tween, the second one is the TweenInfo to use, and the third one is the table containing the properties to tween and the values to tween to.
For details information about Roblox TweenCFrame, and Roblox ween in general, feel free to visit the official website of Roblox Developer. In the site, you will not be asked to sign in so it will be easier for you to access everything.