Terrain can be defined as a feature in Roblox Studio that can permit you to create dynamically morphable environments with little to no lag. It is now based on a 4x4x4 grid of cells and each cell has a number between 0 and 1 representing how much the geometry should occupy the cell and the material of the cell. It is important to know that the occupancy will determine how the cell will morph together with surrounding cells and the results is the illusion of having no grid constraint. It provides a practically unlimited amount of space to work with.
If you try to search terrain for example Flat Terrain Generator in Roblox, you will be able to find some results:
- Flat Terrain Generator which was published by Whelen VortexR. This is a free model and the last update of this model was on July 4th, 2012. In the description, you are able to read that this flat terrain generator was made to make an empty baseplate terrain.
- Generate Flat Terrain which was published by Crazyman32. This is a free model and the last update of it was on April 11th, 2012. In the description, you can read that it generates a large terrain base. Now, it has been favorited 5 times.
- Random Flat Terrain Generator which was published by coltonj. This is a free model and it was last updated on December 27th, 2011.
- Studio Smooth Terrain Generator which was published by ThanksRoBama. This is a free model and it was last updated on October 9th, 2017. In the description section, you can see that it can be used to generate maps on the fly.
If you want to make Flat Terrain in Roblox Studio, you can do it. It is important for you to know that in the previous Roblox Studio, there was custom terrain generator but now it was removed since the new Roblox update. Now, Roblox added something named Smooth Terrain and it does not permit completely flat terrain to be generated. But now, we will show you to find the original generator.
- First, you have to click on the arrow symbol facing downwards and it can be found in the top left corner next to the Undo, Redo, Play and Stop buttons. Choose Customize.
- Then, on the left side, you have to scroll down to search for “Generator” in the list of functions. When you find it, click on it once and then choose “Add >>” in the middle of the window. When it comes up, make sure that the box beside it is checked and then click OK.
- Now, you should see that the symbol for the “Generator” functions has appeared at the top left corner near Undo and other buttons. When you click it, the old generator feature should pop up. If you want to make completely flat terrain, make sure the amplitude is set to the lowest value and it this case it is 2. To differ the size dimension of the terrain, you have to change X and Y axis to your desired value.
You are also able to experiment with all the values to make different kinds of terrain. Click on Generate when you are done.