Roblox Private Chat Command

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If you have played Roblox for a long time, you surely know that you are able to give chat command in your chat box. You can type a word by using a simple formula and then you will perform certain action. Now, how about private chat command?

If you want to use chat command, you have to make sure that you enable the chat. If you want to start chatting, you are able to hit the / key on your keyboard and then it will open the chat window. If you have entered your text into that bar, then you have to press Enter on your keyboard to send it. You are also able to pull up the chat window or bar by clicking on the chat icon which is located in the upper left corner of the screen.

Generally, the scripts of commands will be able to accept commands which some of them will also accept arguments which will be separated from each others and from the command by using a separator character. The most common of separators are the space and the ‘/’ character. Some scripts of commands will also require commands to be prefixed by a symbol such as the exclamation mark and it can be used to differ commands from normal chat.

In Roblox, there are some command scripts which are most popular. Those most command scripts have been associated with a username and the most command scripts give the creator of the command script administrative admin commands in the place that uses them. Those popular command scripts are HD Admin, Kohl’s Admin Infinite, Adonis, Person299’s Admin V3, Kohl’s Admin Commands, Quenty’s GUI Admin, Corecii’s Admin, Havemeat’s Admin, and WCommands.

After a long time, a lot of command scripts which have surfaced and many of them are closed to the public even though they do amazing things. Here, we have a llist of some small scale admins that do awesome things.

  • Quartz
  • Revex
  • Prismane
  • Mist
  • Demented Penguin
  • Solar Tabs
  • Abstract
  • Gatekeeper
  • Absolution
  • Aqua
  • Rocky’s Command Script
  • Aura
  • Curium
  • Magma
  • Galactia
  • Aspire
  • Zirconium Gen 1
  • Zirconium Gen 2

How about private chat commands? There is not much information about that. But, if you mean that you want to know how to do private chat in Roblox, you are able to do these methods. If you use safe chat version, you can do private chat by searching the username and then click on the person that you wish to contact. On the right of their user picture, there is a button which you can click and it should friend the person. After that, if they accept, you can click on Message.

If you use the non safe chat version, you are able to do private chat by searching up their username and click on the person you wish you to contact. On the right, exactly beside their user picture, you have to click on three dots and then click Follow. Now, you can click on Message. If you are curious about Private Chat commands, you are able to ask about it in groups or forums.

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