Mining Simulator is one of popular games in Roblox. Until now, this game has more than 491 million times with more than 2.9 million favorites and more than 811K likes. Because of this, you probably also want to make a game by using Mining Simulator Builds so that you need the uncopylocked version of it.
Uncopylocked games means that the game can be copied and everyone can do anything to that game based on what they want like editing, changing some elements and more. A game is an uncopylocked if the owner of the game set it as uncopylocked. So, in Roblox, there is Copy protection that enables Roblox user to set a place to be Copylocked or Uncopylocked and this feature can be found in the configuration area. If you set your place as copylocked, it will allow other players to play the place on a server with permissions which are limited and it means that they are not able to open Roblox Studio and save the place to their PC. But, if you set your place as uncopylocked it means that you allow all Roblox players to open up the place and also save it to their PC. But, it cannot allow other players to edit the existing place.
Can we find Mining Simulator uncopylocked on Roblox? If try to search it, there are at least two results. First, there is Mining Simulator (Fan Made) (Uncopylocked) by XxProtractorxX. This game was created on June, 7th, 2018 and the last update was on June 7th, 2018. This game can be played by 10 maximum players and it is categorized into All Genres. Until now, this game has been visited more than 5.1K times with 98 favorites and 22 likes. Second, there is Mining Simulator [Uncopylocked] by ComeToMeDucky. This game was created on February 2nd, 2019 and the last update was on February 3rd, 2019. This game can be played by 10 maximum players and it is also categorized into All Genres. Until now, this game has been visited more than 260 times with 2 favorites.
So, if you need Mining Simulator uncopylocked, you can search the games above on Roblox and then copy it. If you want to make a game from these games, make sure that you can make the greater game. If you want to make a great game, of course you need to know the reasons of why the game can be popular, successful and liked by a lot of people. One of the reasons is because the game is fun to play. The challenge in the game makes people excited so that they want to play it again and again. Usually, there will be several things that you have to look for in the game and when you find it, you will be awarded by a reward.
In the Mining Simulator, the players have to team up or they can go alone to do mining expedition to find rare gems and then become rich. In that game, you will strike diamonds, travel to different worlds, become rich, collect hats, pets and many more. These things make players enjoy their time during they play this game and you can learn from this game how to make a game fun.