Project Zorgoo is a group known of the dark skinned retards who will not stop to troll the citizens by pretending to be gay ass the hackers. Based on the research, they were founded by a group of dumb kids who wanted to exploit the children for money and increase ad Revenue. Zorgo members are among the dumbest class of retard trolls. They are relatively unsucessful in their claimed pursuits unless those pursuits are making Ad money and making Robux from scared Kids
We are going to inform you a video that you are able to watch in getting more about making Project Zorgo. That video is entitled “Making Project Zorgo Roblox Account”. That video was published by ZephPlayz on October 31, 2018. Currently, the video has 2,714,979 views. On that video, the publisher show about making Project Zorgo. To make you do not be curious again about Project Zorgo, so we suggest you to watch that video.
If you search the information regarding Project Zorgo, you are going to find a game of Project Zorgo. The game was created by ProjectxZorgoIxIx1 on November 15, 2018. It also was update on the same day. The game can be played by 10 maximum players and it is categorized to all genres. Currently, the game of Project Zorgo has place visits around 75.6K+ with 312 favorites. If you want to try to play the game of Project Zorgo, simply you are able to click this link;
Aside from that, we are able also to find some groups related Project Zorgo. When we search its information, we find some groups related Project Zorgo on Roblox. The first one is Operation Project Zorgo. That group owned by ProjectxZorgo7x7x7. Currently, the group has 48K+ members. The second one is Project Zorgo – Roblox that owned by ProjectxZorgoPrime. Currently, the group has 1,008 members. The last one is Project Zorgo. That group was owned by mrdolyer7. The group has 1,570 members now. For those who want to know more about Project Zorgo, we think that you are able to join with the group of Project Zorgo. On the group, you are free to discuss, share and ask anything Project Zorgo.
Project Zorgo presumed official founding was on august 18, 2018 with their first video entitled “Project Zorgo YouTube Hacker Group” where they claimed to be fighting for Traditional media despite using uTube a fuck ton. To Avoid utubes Niggas of Service strike downs, they put a dumb disclaimer at the bottom of their Retarded video saying how fake it was bitch. If you see a YouTube channel of Project Zorgo, currently the channel has 1.26M subscribers. By the way, do you interested to subscribe Project Zorgo channel? You may as one of people who are curious to Project Zorgo, so you are able to open YouTube channel of Project Zorgo and click Subscribe. On Project Zorgo, you will be able to see lots of video. Just check it out!