How to Mute Someone in Kohls Admin House

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Roblox has a lot of players playing games. All players who play the game have some different character. Some are are nice, while some are annoying, to the point you want to mute him or her as you cannot stand his or her.

If you cannot stand someone and want to mute him or her in Kohls admin house, you can use the command “invisible kohl”. This one is able to make the player invisible. If you thing your action is a bit too much and you want to redo everything, then you are able to use “:visible kohl” in order to make the player visible.

Aside from making someone visible and invisible, there are the other Kohls admin commands. Here are some of the other Kohls admin command that you might need:

  1. Clean: This one is the a command anyone can use to remove hats/tools lagging up the place.
  2. :s print(“Hello World”): This one is the command that allow you script normally.
  3. :ls print(“Hello World”): This one is the command that allow you script in localscripts.
  4. :kill kohl: This one is the command that can kill the player.
  5. :respawn kohl: This one is the command that respawns the player.
  6. :trip kohl: This one is the command that trips the player.
  7. :stun kohl: This one is the command that stuns the player.
  8. :unstun kohl: This one is the command that unstuns the player.
  9. :jump kohl: This one is the command that makes the player jump.
  10. :sit kohl: This one is the command that makes the player sit.
  11. :explode kohl: This one is the command that makes the player explode.
  12. :fire kohl: This one is the command that sets the player on fire.
  13. :unfire kohl: This one is the command that removes fire from the player.
  14. :smoke kohl: This one is the command that adds smoke to the player.
  15. :unsmoke kohl: This one is the command that removes smoke from the player.
  16. :sparkles kohl: This one is the command that adds sparkles to the player.
  17. :unsparkles kohl: This one is the command that removes sparkles from the player.
  18. :ff kohl: This one is the command that adds a forcefield to the player.
  19. :unff kohl: This one is the command that removes the forcefield from the player.
  20. :punish kohl: This one is the command that punishes the player.
  21. :unpunish kohl: This one is the command that unpunishes the player.
  22. :freeze kohl: This one is the command that freezes the player.
  23. :thaw kohl: This one is the command that thaws the player.
  24. :heal kohl: This one is the command that heals the player.
  25. :god kohl: This one is the command that makes the player have infinite health.
  26. :ungod kohl: This one is the command that makes the player have 100 health.
  27. :ambient .5 .5 .5: This one is the command that changes the ambient.
  28. :brightness .5 : This one is the command that changes the brightness.
  29. Etc.

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