Are you interested in stylist game which is hold in Salon? If you are so excited to play this kind of game, definitely you must not look for the game in uncertain place. It is because the game related to the Salon can be found in Roblox easily. So, what is the name of salon game that you can find in Roblox? The answer will be explained in the below!
Indeed, it cannot be denied that Roblox has provided many kinds of games with variety of genres. This makes the users getting comfortable to keep staying on this game-online platform. In fact, Roblox are successful to attract lots of gamers to join with Roblox. Well, in Roblox, you can find tons of adorable games with any kinds of genres, then, you can exactly choose the game based on your passion.
Aside from that, Roblox also provide the game related to the Salon in which it has been favorite for all people whether children or adults. However, the game of salon can be called as the inviting and enchanting game that you can play when bored. In Salon, you will be allowed to be any positions based on your passion, such as stylist, designer, hair dresser, tattoo artist, receptionist, make-up and many more.
So as in the Roblox, there is a salon game which has been favored by 32K users and 2,5 million visits. The game is called Boho Salon in which it is such a role-playing game to allow users to be any positions. Boho Salon was found by Lalakiela and was created on June 25, 2016. The founder of Boho Salon also has the YouTube Channel named Lalakiela RBX. This game is well-known for its main game Boho Salon V3 and rapid growth in late 2016. For a decade, Boho Salon settled on the front page and has gained over 300K members in a few months. The slogan of Boho Salon is “where the weaves start!”
In the game of Boho Salon, there are some the positions that almost everyone wants. One of desired positions is to be a senior stylist. Unfortunately, to be this position is not totally easy. Indeed, you have to reach the certain point in which it is so hard to get. As we know that senior stylist is an employee who have mastered their hair cutting and styling skills. Then, how many points that you must have to get position as a senior stylist?
In some source, we find that to be senior stylist, you must have about 1000 points but it is so hard to get this amount. But, we also find other source in which it told that you can be a senior stylist just having 500 points. In fact, there are many players who have 500 points can become a senior stylist at all. Well, if you want to be a senior stylist in Boho Salon, of course, you must have about more than 500 points to get the position.