Discord is more fun because of the use of emoji. Not only in sending a message, but you also can use emoji in your channel’s name. But now, you may want to know how to download emoji from others so that you can also use the emoji that they use.
Before we talk about how to download discord emoji, knowing the definition of emoji is more important. So, do you know the definition of emoji? Emoji is ideogram and smiley which are utilized in electronic messages and also web pages. Emoji comes up in a wide range of genres such as facial expressions, places, common objects, and types of weather and also animals. Emoji is almost similar to emoticons but emojis are actual pictures instead of typographics. Do you know the origin of word “emoji”? The word ’emoji’ comes from Japanese and it consists of ‘e’ which means picture and ‘moji’ which means character. At first, it is not popular but after it was added to some mobile operating systems then emoji is increasingly famous worldwide in the 2010s.
So, how to download other people’s emoji? In Discord, you may often see other people’s emoji which is cute or can express what you are feeling now so that you want to have it, too. But, you do not know where to find it. You think of downloading it but you do not know how to do it. Okay, do not be sad again because here we are going to show you how to do that.
If you want to download emoji from other people in Discord, the first thing that you have to do is right click on an emote that you like. After that, you have to click on Open Link and then when your web browser tab opens and shows you the image of the emoji, now you have to right click said picture and click Save Image As and then save it somewhere. After that, you have to go to your own discord server and then access your server settings menu. Go to the Emoji tab and then you have to click on Upload Emoji” and then find the image that you downloaded. Now, you have to name your emoji to whatever you want and then exit settings. Now, you are able to enjoy using your new emoji in Discord.
It will be better to watch the video tutorial to make you understand more about how to download emoji from others. So, you are able to watch a video of Pizza Parker on Youtube entitled How To Download Other People’s Discord Emotes which was uploaded on August 6th, 2017 and now it has been watched more than 17.7K times with more than 120 likes.
Well, now you know how to download other people’s Discord emoji and you can use it as well. If you also want to know how to make emoji and how to upload your own emoji to Discord, you are able to read other articles about it in this site. Just search the articles about it in this site and then read it.